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Nick J. Valenti headshot

Reagan A. Hamilton, ChFC®

Financial Consultant


Reagan Hamilton is a Chartered Financial Consultant, ChFC® who has working in the financial services industry since 2014. Reagan’s passion is to challenge the conventional way of thinking about finance and help to provide comprehensive and holistic financial strategies designed to balance life’s uncertainties. Reagan brings a unique, integrated team approach in which he is able to collaborate amongst a team of trusted professionals at Michigan Financial Companies. He has strategic alliances in areas such as real estate, mortgage banking, home/auto insurance, legal and accounting, that effectively assess and serve each client’s individual and specific needs.

Reagan began investing at the age of fourteen and became passionate about financial consulting in 2008 when his mother unfortunately lost a significant amount of her investment in the market downturn, following poor advice from a previous Financial Advisor. He began to uncover many conflicts in the financial advice industry and believed there had to be a better way to put clients’ best interests first. He decided to take over his mother’s accounts and educate her on the importance of a diversified plan and tax strategies.

Reagan started his career interning for a Trading Group in Manhattan where he gained tremendous experience and knowledge. It was during this time that Reagan realized he was charged by the idea of educating others in the area of finance and tax strategies and later began a mentorship with a Certified Financial Planner®. His motto is to “learn as much as you can.” Knowledge is a tool; the more you know, the more tools you have to accomplish any task set before you.

Today, Reagan focuses on retirement planning, investments and risk management. He possesses an in-depth knowledge of products and services available across the financial landscape. Reagan focuses on his clients’ attitudes towards risk to help provide effective advice tailored to individual circumstances and objectives. He takes pride in finding out what keeps a client up at night and taking steps to help them rest a little easier.


  • Wayne State University
    • Bachelors of Business Administration              
      • Major: Marketing              
    • Masters of Business Administration                
      • Concentration: Finance
  • The American College of Financial Services              
    • Financial Planning Certificate

Professional Registrations

  • Series 7
  • Series 66
  • Variable Contracts
  •  Life, Health, Accident, Property and Casualty


  • Chartered Financial Consultant® (ChFC®)

Personal Data

Outside of work, Reagan enjoys living an active lifestyle and giving back to his community by volunteering for many events as a Free Mason. Reagan is also a mentor with the Detroit Economic Club where he educates students on career readiness and employment skills, such as networking and resumé building. Reagan is an avid guitar player and occasionally performs at local coffee shops and diners with his fiancé Kendra.

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